Do you have an insurance claim relating to theft, fire, property damage, life insurance or other insurance coverage? Do you need assistance in understanding the terms of your insurance policy, how to make a claim, or any other issues? Is your insurance company making it difficult for you to obtain the payment of money you ought to be entitled to? They can be intimidating.
Don't delay as there may be time limits for you to take action.
Let our experience go to work for you. Call for free consultation today.
Is your insurance company giving you a hard time? Are you uncertain as to whether you have insurance coverage relating to any matter for which you believe you may have coverage?
Has your insurance company challenged your claim or asked for additional information that you believe they may not be entitled to? Get the legal advice you need to understand your coverage terms, your rights and your entitlements. Take the right action before you take the wrong action. We are experienced in assisting insured parties in navigating these issues.
Has your insurance company denied your claim that you believe they ought to have accepted and paid?
Insurance companies often deny claims that they ought to have paid. Know your rights in order to take the follow up action which may be necessary to get the payment you deserve.
The law imposes time limits for action to be taken. Don't delay. We have over 38 years of experience taking on insurance companies and getting clients the payments they are entitled to under the law.
Insurance issues are so very often difficult to understand and navigate. While you hope that you will never have to bring a claim under the terms of your insurance policy , insurance is there if you ever experience loss or damage.
That is assuming you have appropriate coverage and that you take the necessary action to obtain the payment you deserve.
If your insurance company is in any way making it difficult for you to deal with your claim get the help you may need within the timelines required.
Contact us now for a free without obligation consultation.
Have you made an insurance claim where your insurance company has refused to appropriately value your claim or pay you what you believe you are in fact entitled to under the terms of your insurance policy?
Are you uncertain what your claim is worth? Has your insurance company requested that you provide additional information to value or process your insurance claim?
These can be complicated issues.
Get the assistance you may need to understand the insurance policy terms, the applicable law and or to deal with your insurance company .
Did you purchase an insurance policy through an insurance broker or agent? Did you think that you had insurance coverage in relation to a matter in which your insurance company says you don't? Has your insurance company alleged a misrepresentation in your insurance application and as a result they say you don't have the coverage that you thought you did. Sometimes insurance brokers or insurance agents make mistakes in relation to your insurance policy application or related matters for which they will be responsible for. We have experience dealing with these types of issues.
Are you having difficulty dealing with an insurance adjuster in relation to an insurance claim you have made? Have you been asked to give, or sign, a written statement as part of your claim? Have you been requested to provide information, documentation or a Proof of Loss? Requests of this nature can be overwhelming particularly if you don't understand the process, the policy terms, the applicable law or your legal rights.
We can provide you with assistance in working, on your behalf, with your insurance adjuster, your insurance company or their lawyers to ensure that your claim is appropriately dealt with.
If your insurance company has denied your insurance claim, you must ensure that you commence a legal action in a timely fashion and in particular within specified legal time limits. Don't jeopardize your claim by delay. Ensure that you get the legal advice you need to appropriately pursue insurance claims within the time required. We have considerable experience in commencing lawsuits and litigating claims against insurance companies, brokers and agents in relation to insurance claims including property theft, fire and damage claims, as well as disability and life insurance claims.
Pursing payment of money claimed in relation to an insurance policy may require, under the terms of coverage, the arbitration of issues including issues relating to the value of a particular claim or loss.
Where there are disputes relating to insurance claims the issues may be capable of early resolution through negotiations, and or mediation.
In mediation the parties and their lawyers meet with a neutral mediator to try to work out appropriate terms to resolve and settle the dispute before any need to commence legal proceedings.
In addition to representing you in legal proceedings we can represent your interests in the negotiation, mediation, or arbitration of insurance claims.
We also, when requested, offer our services, knowledge and experience as neutral mediator or arbitrator: